
31 in stock

Endurance Lubricated Flavored Condoms 3 Pack Banana erotically, delicious flavors from Hott Products. Condoms are an essential item for any individual that enjoys a healthy sex life. These flavored and lubricated condoms help you to enjoy all aspects of sexual intimacy while practicing safer sex habits. This product contains natural rubber latex. The innovative packaging design allows for quick and easy opening. Each package contains three banana flavored condoms. Do yourself and your partner a favor. Get it flavored! Endurance Banana Lubricated Flavored Condoms from Hott Products Unlimited. Categories: Condoms, Flavored, Oral Products, Assorted Condoms. Please note these condoms are made from latex. Never reuse latex condoms after oral sex. Teeth may damage the materials and not be effective at birth control. 2023.

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 4.5 × 3.5 × 0.75 cm
